This is Cade's cheesy face. He has alot of expressions and we always
get a kick out of his many faces. This is our favorite.

Cade turned 1 on Jan 14. I cant beleive that its already been a year since he was born. That went by fast. Cade sure has had a rough first year. He has had pnuemonia 5 times and RSV a couple of times. Despite his health issues he is a very happy kid as you can tell from his smile. He got a Lightning McQueen car and book for his B-day and went to town on his chocolate birthday cake. It was a good night for Cade. He got the two things he loves most... food and Lightning McQueen. Seriously Kayson can't get within three feet of Cade's Lightning McQueen cars without Cade screaming at the top of his lungs.
How fun! You have the cutest boys!! We are so glad you guys could come over on New Years. It was so much fun. We seriously need to hang out more before you move! Oh, and I have your red sippy cup :)
hooray for cade! he's gonna grow up to be one tough bruiser. wish i could give him a birthday kiss!
haah. chinese face is way funny. I love little boys. How fun for them to have eachother! You guys all look great.
hey i had no idea you had two little boys wow time flies its great to read how life has taken you
desi pierro or now whipple
I Kenyon told me that shirt and pants were his dad's. You must need some new sunday stuff bad if you are dressing like a 65-year-old he he. I'm not sure when I'll be in cello next... if you need it sooner I don't mind sending it to you. Just let me know. Oh and happy belated birthday cade...i'm such a horrible aunt. tell sarah hi and i love her!
we are living in farmington new mexico. my husband works for halliburton its a company that fracture the ground to get oil out for the bigger companies like conico phillips. my oldest one jace just turned 3 on jan 20th and mason will be 1 on feb 21st. i stay home and watch an additional 4 kids. my 2 nieces my nephew and then a friends 1 year old. it get rambunctious and fun with so many boys and girls
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